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General Resources

CLIP Request for Qualified Contractors

Steering Committee Materials

Eligibility Tools

The resources below are intended to help CT BOS funded providers to verify CoC program participant eligibility and ensure that participant charts contain adequate eligibility documentation. They have been customized for the CT BOS CoC and may not be entirely applicable to other CoCs.  These resources are updated periodically, and the most recent versions are available below.

CT BOS Grants Management Database – Zengine

Since October 2020, CT BOS no longer collects documents via email. Rather documents are collected in a grants management database called Zengine. All CoC Grant Recipients must create a contact profile in Zengine which will enable them to be placed on the distribution list for important emails for CT BOS for items such as:  webinars, trainings, new HUD updates, as well as information requests, important deadlines and reminders for all of these items. Creating a profile will also enable providers to submit documents to CT BOS. The database is used for Renewal Evaluations, Renewal Grant Submissions during the annual CoC competition, Monitoring, and more.

Click the button below for instructions and important information regarding how to sign up and submit documents in the database.

CT BOS Project Monitoring

HUD requires CoCs to monitor funded programs, and CT BOS offers remote and on-site (as available) monitoring to help grantees prepare for HUD monitoring visits, reduce the risk of funding being recaptured by HUD, and identify areas of need for technical assistance. Monitoring involves an entrance conference, a brief program tour (on-site only), a review of participant and applicant charts, a review of financial records, and an exit interview.

See #2. DMHAS and CoC Project Monitoring Tool and Guide 2023 below under heading:  DMHAS CoC Rental Assistance Documents

CT PATH Resources & Project Monitoring

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HUD Resources

  • The HUD Exchange Website
    • A range of valuable information and resources:  guidance and tools on federal requirements, data and reports about funded programs
    • Links to HUD data systems, and resources related to special populations.
  • CoC Program Interim Rule
    • Published in the Federal Register on July 31, 2012
    • Establishes federal regulations for the Continuum of Care Program
  • HUD CoC Grants Administration User Guide – PDF
    • Reviews standards for administering CoC Program grants
    • Specific focus on grant award and administration requirements

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DMHAS CoC Rental Assistance Documents

The documents below have been provided by the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) and are required for use by all DMHAS CoC Rental Assistance projects.  

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DOH Rapid Rehousing Documents

The documents below have been provided by the CT Department of Housing (DOH) and are required for use by all DOH Rapid Rehousing projects except as noted.  Some documents are provided as sample resources. 

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Environmental Review

Environmental Review is the process of reviewing a  project and its potential environmental impacts to determine whether it meets federal, state, and local environmental standards. Environmental review s is required for all HUD-assisted projects to ensure that the proposed project does not negatively impact the surrounding environment and that the property site itself will not have an adverse environmental or health effect on end users. Not every project is subject to a full environmental review (i.e., every project’s environmental impact must be examined, but the extent of this examination varies).  The resources below can help CoC funded projects to determine the level of review required for their project and support compliance with the HUD requirements

Examples of Completed Environmental Review Forms

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Since 2004, communities across Connecticut have been entering data into the CT Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). This statewide database collects client demographic, service usage and length of stay information on over 27,000 unduplicated clients. CT HMIS provides invaluable information on people experiencing homelessness and about the effectiveness of current efforts to prevent and end homelessness in Connecticut.  For more information please visit the CT HMIS website.  If you need technical assistance or have a question about CT HMIS, please email the Helpdesk at help@nutmegit.com.

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Advocacy and Safety

Additional information and resources on Domestic Violence, support for survivors, safety planning, court advocacy, counseling and support groups among other services, available at the CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence website.

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